水文: hydrology仪器: instrument; appliance; appar ...总: assemble; gather; put togeth ...技术条件: technical conditions; techni ...结构: structure; composition; cons ...基本: basic; fundamental要求: ask; demand; require; claim; ...水文仪器总技术条件 参比工作条件: general specification for hydrologic instruments--referential operating condition结构基本要求: basic requirements of structure水文仪器基本参数及通用技术条件: primary parameter and general specification for hydrologic instrument盒式助听器总技术条件: general specification for pocket hearing aids水文仪器可靠性技术要求: specification of reliability for hydrologic instruments电工设备结构总技术条件: general technical standard for electrical equipment structure水文仪器安全要求: general specification for hydrologic instrument safety requirements电视广播接收机坏式调谐器总技术条件: general specification for mechanical tuners of tv broa dcasting receivers水文仪器基本环境试验条件及方法: basic conditions and methods of enviromental test for hydrologic instruments灯头总技术条件: general specifications for lamcaps彩色广播电视接收机用回扫变压器总技术条件: general specification of flyback transformers for color broadcasting tv receivers水文仪器: hydrologic apparatus; hydrologic instrument; hydrological instrument海洋水文观测仪器通用技术条件: general technical specifications for oceanographic hydrological instruments防爆应用电视总技术条件: generic specification for explosive atmospheres applied tv基本要求: br basic requirements; postulate最基本要求: threshold土工仪器的基本参数及通用技术条件: primary parameters and general technical specifications for geotechnical apparatus油码头安全技术基本要求: basic requirement for accidents prevention of oil terminals